SJC Student working at a engineering control panel.

Energy, Manufacturing & Transportation

Whether you want to be a factory operator, an auto mechanic, or a home builder, 准备好在太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站开始你的职业生涯吧. As a student in the Energy, Manufacturing, and Transportation pathway programs, you will receive practical, hands-on training in our state-of-the-art facilities. 我们经验丰富的教师将为您的职业道路做好准备.

我们有41个学位和证书课程,将培训你在能源领域工作, transportation, and construction industries. 你可以在两年内完成其中的许多课程,你可以在一年或更短的时间内完成一些课程. 此外,我们还提供某些在线课程,以提供额外的灵活性和便利性.

Begin your successful new career through our Energy, 制造和运输副学士学位和证书课程.

School of Energy Programs

太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站能源学院为未来能源行业的职业提供创新课程. 您将在我们的教育工作者和行业专业人士的监督下获得现实世界的知识. 如果你正在获得副学士学位,你将完成 Energy Production Foundations core curriculum. We have many online courses available for flexibility, 以及定制或一天的培训,以满足您的需求. See where your new skills can take you. 

石油管道学习生产工艺和设备操作的知识和技能. 获得高级石油生产操作的副学士学位,以进一步发展你的职业生涯. 

Petroleum Production Operations Certificate

Advanced Petroleum Production Operations Degree, AAS

Industrial control panel对工厂的大型机器进行维护检查和维修. 获得副学士学位或证书,在依赖机械运作的不同行业工作, such as manufacturing, environmental control, and water treatment.

Industrial Maintenance Mechanic Certificate

Industrial Maintenance Mechanic Degree, AAS

Person wearing orange coveralls and white hardhatProcess operators are employed by water treatment, wastewater treatment facilities, and plants and factories that produce electricity, 天然气, 塑料, pharmaceuticals, and various consumer products. 你的副学士学位或证书将为你在这个行业的入门级职位做准备. 

Industrial Process Operator Certificate

Industrial Process Operator Degree, AAS

灯泡能源学院提供多种培训项目,以支持工人的专业发展. 我们提供工业安全培训(包括OSHA培训)劳动力培训, and seminars on tribal energy 管理.

Industrial Safety 培训 through School of Energy

Instrumentation controlsLearn to install, 维护, 并对各种自动控制过程进行故障排除, such as electronic or pneumatic systems. 获得副学士学位或证书,与工程师团队一起在安全的环境中开发和维护这些系统.


Instrumentation Controls and Electrical Technology, AAS

Gas pipeline equipment学习安全使用和维护气体压缩设备的知识和技能. Through our associate degree or certificate program, 你将准备在能源行业找到一份工作. 

Natural Gas Compression Technology Certificate

Natural Gas Compression Technology Degree, AAS

Hardhat with construction in the background.开始或推进职业安全和商业建筑安全的职业生涯. 我们的两个副学士学位和两个证书课程可以在线学习, which means it is a flexible option for you.

Occupational Safety Certificate

Occupational Safety (Online), AAS

Well pumpjack该课程为学生提供了部落能源业务的重点研究, 管理, and leadership. With an associate degree or certificate, 你将准备对能源资源做出决定, learn about tribal issues, and work in the industry on tribal lands.

Tribal Energy Management Certificate

Tribal Energy Management Studies Degree, AAS

Two students looking under the hood of a pickup.


太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站提供两年的副学士学位和一年的汽车技术证书课程, auto body repair, and diesel technology. 我们还为丰田、克莱斯勒和通用汽车公司的汽车提供特定行业的项目. 最后,我们提供商业驾驶执照培训.

General Transportation Programs

Person painting a car.我们的12,2000平方英尺的设施将培训您在碰撞修理行业或相关领域的工作. Earn your associate degree in three semesters, 或选择我们的证书课程之一,以更快的开始或更具体的培训. 

汽车的身体 Certificates

汽车的身体, AAS

汽车发动机学习进入汽车服务和维修领域所需的技能. 具有本专业的副学士学位或证书, 你将能够为客户维修各种各样的汽车.

Automotive Technology Certificates

Automotive Technology Associate Degree, AAS

半卡车我们为期八周的商业驾驶执照课程将使您能够通过三部分的CDL考试. 你将在网上学习,以及在卡车上的培训课程和高速公路. We also offer refresher and Class B programs.

Commercial Driver's License Certificate (Class A)

柴油发动机获得必要的技能,以服务和维修卡车或建筑和采矿设备. Whether you work on on-highway or off-highway vehicles, 我们的学位和证书课程将为您开始维护这些重要车辆的职业生涯做好准备.

Diesel Technology Certificate

Diesel Technology Degrees, AAS

Industry-Specific Transportation Programs

MCAP标志这种伙伴关系与克莱斯勒提供指导和实践经验,克莱斯勒车辆. 你将在参与的克莱斯勒公司有带薪实习机会, 道奇, or Jeep dealership, 而且你要承诺在毕业后至少工作两年.

Mopar Career Automotive Program (MCAP)

通用ASEP标志通过ASEP计划,在两年内成为通用汽车服务技术人员. The program includes classroom work, laboratory experience on current vehicles and products, 并有在参与合作的通用汽车经销商担任一线机械师的实际经验.


TTEN标志通过TTEN项目培训成为丰田汽车服务技术人员. 您将在太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站的教室和实验室接受培训,并在丰田赞助经销商处接受培训. 在这个为期两年的课程中获得证书或副学士学位.

Toyota Technical 教育 Network Program (T-TEN)

Person welding.

Construction and Manufacturing

找一份充实的工作,建造、修理和改善人们的家园. You can also learn welding skills, which will be useful in a variety of different careers, from construction to manufacturing.

首页 under constructionBe prepared for a career in residential construction. Learn the building process from the “ground up,将课堂练习与实际的建筑项目相结合. 获得副学士学位或参加我们的证书课程进入这个行业.

Building Trades Certificate

Building Trades Degree, AAS

Person welding.学习如何焊接和制造所有厚度的钢板和大多数直径的钢管. 获得焊接副学士学位或参加我们的普通和高级证书课程,以找到从建筑到制造到航空航天等各种行业的职业.

焊接 Certificates

焊接 Degree, AAS

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